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God so loved the world that God came to where we are... and tasted death for us, that we might live...with God...
   The living word... The spoken word... The written word...
     In the book of John the Bible says that in Him was life , and that life was the light of Man. It is also correct to say that in God was life and that life was the light of Humans and indeed all creation.
ife is in knowing that has given to all creation the power of free will. It is a great and awesome mystery and wonder that the God of all that is, known and unknown is intimately tied into a relationship with humans that is unique.
umans have spent years and life-times trying to understand the great mystery of what God has done, is doing, and yet plan to do. It is something that has caused jealousy in both humans and angels, just getting a glimpes into that which God has planned and purposed. Even though God has let us know in so many way that the reason for all this wonder is for God's pleasure and for creation's good, we have tried to rearrange, re-create, deny, distort andeven destroy that which God has done,and doing.
he book of Proverbs says, There is a way that seems right unto man, (Humans), but the end thereof are the ways of death.
      It is important to realize that just because the word's up there or out there is used when referring to God, it does not mean that God is physical out there some where far from where we are
yet, it does carry that duel meaning, because, by the definition of God, God would have to be both out there and right here at one and the same time....
     1John says, "...Oh what love the Father has for us that we would be called the sons of God..." Always remember that when The Spirit refers to the sons of God, in relation- ship to Humans, God is speaking of both male and female. Unless we can see and understand this vital truth, we do dis-service to God, females and to males.
ot only do we have the honor and spiritual right as the children of God, we also have been blessed by God to be living in the United States of America. This does not mean that God is limited by the place and or circumstances of our physical birth.
hen we look around at people today and those people of years gone pass, it is unlikely, almost impossible the humans could have established or even thought of that which America has become. And because of what America is only God could and can defend it. Because of what America is only God could have accomplished it.

t is easy to see, and hard for people to truly accept that God do indeed have a divine purpose for America. Each day we see that purpose unfolding. And it is only when we take the limits of of God in our ability to receive and understand what God is, and is   doing. 
here in all the world could people seeking to service God as they present understood God to be? where , in all the world could people being persecuted for being different racially or culturally establish who they presently are yet, at the same time have the ability to crossover where to heart goes and establist a life , a l ove and a family, that become one people and one nation,Where?
     There are more questions about God and humans than we can begin to answer. And at the same time , there are more answers than our minds can begin to sort out and understand. However in the midst of these almost insurmountable odds we must nevertheless begin to move forward, to at least try to understand.
here are people systems and organizations that labor mnore to get us on their side and in their camp than to get us to trust God to bring us to an undrstanding of the truth. They seek our money and our lives.
They seek to get us to accept there creeds and doctrines,more than the fact that Jesus is Lord of all, even our frailties and strengths.
ne of the most precious passages of the Bible , to me, is found in Acts 17:24-___ , "God that made the worlds and all things therein, seeing that God is Lord of heave and earth dwellth not in temples made with hands, neither is worshipped with human hands, as though God needed anything seeing the God giveth to all life and breath and all things, and have made of one blood all nations of people for to dwell upon the face of the earth and appointed the bounds of their habitation, that they may seek the Lord ...

Declaration of Faith

"I believe:

10] One must choose to believe in the person of Jesus Christ, confess with his mouth that he is a sinner in need of redemption, repent of sin, ask Jesus Christ to be his or her personal Lord and Saviour, believe in the redemptive power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ (Propitiation for sin), and believe in his or her heart that God can and will forgive his or her sin and give him or her eternal life. With out choosing Jesus Christ as one’s personal Lord and Saviour, thus denying Christ in his life, salvation for his soul is not possible. Choosing instead to die in his sin his soul is destined for Hell, as it is written in the scriptures."

     The matter that concerns me most is the fact that we use these revelations of God to separate the body of God just as Satan use the truth of God to separate man from God in the Garden plunging all creation into sin. God is not the author of Confusion, yet, in the midst of the confusion that we have plunged ourselves into, God come in and brings light, understanding and unity; if we are open to the Holy God, in our attitude, and actions, if we are open to God, God will give us wisdom, strength to accomplish the things that God has appointed unto us to do.


"An investigation into the nature of man and human sexuality properly begins in the Book of Beginnings, Genesis. Indeed, the God-given model for sexual identity, for marriage (the oldest of all human institutions), and for the structure of society (under God) stretches back to the very time of creation:

"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.' So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them...the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, 'this at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'" (Gen. 1:26,27; 2:22-25)

The name of God used in Genesis 1 is Elohim, a uniplural noun. El is singular, Eloah is dual, whereas Elohim apparently implies three or more persons. Yet the three Persons of the Godhead act as One God in all they undertake in creation, in redemption and in the management of the universe we live in (Ref 1). The creation of man was not an afterthought in the mind of God. From the beginning the plan and design of the cosmos had human being in view. The universe is God's house and men number among the inhabitants, in fact we are the highest of God's creations.

Countless volumes have been written on what is meant by the statement that man is man in the image and likeness of God. This complex subject will not be examined in detail here, but only noted in passing. God is a Spirit and not a material being---we do not look like God physically. The image of our Creator which we all bear is primarily an invisible, inner likeness. In regard to attributes of personality, mind, creativity, capacity for love and express emotions, the existence of will, conscience, imagination, memory and moral responsibility, and capacity for worship---God has made us very much like Himself.

What is more important-for our discussion is that God also made the first man male and female. In paraphrasing Genesis 1:26, 27 we could say that God created (bara) the first individual human being as male/female. The creation of the man Adam was accompanied by the simultaneous creation of Eve. Thus, the first man was originally Adam/Eve. Bara is a Hebrew word used only of God in the Bible. Man can himself invent and create because he has been made like his Creator, but only God can bring into existence the things that do not exists, only God can create ex nihilo, (out of nothing). God speaks and matter springs into existence or life into being where previously there had been nothingness. The word bara is therefore unique to God.

Genesis 2:22-25 elaborates on the creation of man. Adam, the probable original author of this section of scripture, tells us that his body was first formed (yatsar) from the dust of the earth (Ref 2). Yatsar means to mold as a potter molds the clay, (see Jer 18:2ff). Man was thus created ( bara ), but in the process his body was also molded and fashioned by the hands of the Master Potter. Next, Elohim breathed into the man's body the breath (ruach) of life and man became a living being (nephesh, soul). One can think of the soul of man as springing up from the interaction of spirit and body. The soul is the realm of personality, of mind, emotions, will, and conscience. Man is thus both a material being, and also a spiritual creation of God. We are intended to live simultaneously into two worlds: the physical and the spiritual. The Bible reveals that man is a tripartite being, body, soul, and spirit. The presence of a living spirit in us is what determines the difference between a corpse and a living person (see James 2:26).

The description in Genesis 2 of the origin of the woman Eve is preceded by Adam's naming of the animals. He was to study and analyze the thousands of kinds of animals God had made. He was to choose names that suited the characteristics of each of the animals. Adam's training was intended by God to show him his relationship to nature and help him in role of exercising dominion and stewardship over the earth. The animals were already divided into male and female animals, birds, fish, so sexuality did exist at this time. But, Adam found no counterpart to himself in the animal kingdom. There was no one there who "corresponded to him." For the first time, God declared that something in the creation was not good. "It is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a helper (''azer) corresponding to him." "Not good" does not imply that evil existed in the universe at that time. God is saying that further creative activity was now appropriate to bring the creation into its intended state of completeness. (By the way we must assume that it was God who taught Adam speech and language).

The originally one human being Adam/Eve was now to be separated into two---differentiated in two separate persons. Both Adam and Eve already existed as a single unit---as the word bara implies. Having already created (bara) the soul and spirit of Adam/Eve, and after having molded the body of the first man, God now makes a division of this one compound man into male and female. Placing Adam into a deep sleep, God took a rib from the side of Adam and made a woman. The Hebrew root (banah), translated made, described God's making of Eve by taking her out of Adam/Eve. Banah means to construct or build, as when one builds a house or constructs an Ark---this word implies creative artisanship by God. Adam was formed but Eve was made!

In summary, after God made "Adam/Eve" in His own image, He subsequently separated the man whom He had made into two---Adam and Eve. Thus, an original unity of "man" was replaced by a division into two complementary opposites. The image of God in our race is therefore carried by the man and the women in equal weight. Whatever other terms we may wish to associate with man being made in the image and likeness of God, the existence of two separate sexes is a very important part of the image of God which we, as men and women, jointly bear. It is as if half of life is to be understood and interpreted from a man's point of view and half from a woman's point of view. These two points of view are not identical, they are complementary!

The existence of two sexes and the fact that it takes male and female persons to adequately reflect the nature of God implies that the Being of God is as much masculine as it is feminine. This is a difficult concept because God Himself does not describe Himself as a sexual being. All the persons of the Godhead are called by masculine nouns and pronouns. Furthermore the godhead consists of a union of three Persons, not two, as in human marriage. We will have more to say about the inner nature of God as containing both masculine and feminine attributes as we move along in our study.

For purposes of discussion let us a build a model of sexual identity based on what we have examined thus far concerning the creation of man and woman as described in Genesis 1 and 2. First, let us divide man and woman into conscious and unconscious realms. Consciousness is related to awareness and priorities in life that we are. God has made us in such a way that many of our bodily and emotional functions run automatically without our conscious control or intervention. Heart rate rises or falls to meet the energy demands of our activity, we digest our food, and we breathe automatically. Instincts alert us concerning hunger and thirst.

Our brain's memory banks record virtually everything we learn and experience and store these records in centers of immediate recall or for later retrieval from deeper archival sources. Memory is both conscious and unconscious. Under the stress of a sudden accident, many people gain temporary total recall and see their entire life story running before their mind's eye---on a fast-forward, instant-replay mode.

We respond emotionally to situations in life with shame, fear, guilt, joy, tears, or depression. Over most of these reactions we have little control. The are built-in or they are conditioned responses shaped by past response patterns. Our memory circuits record not only experiences but associated colors, odors, sensations and emotions experienced at the time. Unpleasant experiences and traumatic experiences in life tend to be repressed (buried in the unconscious). Pleasureful vs. painful experiences produce conditioned responses in us which become more or less automatic.

Finally, we are fallen creatures and subject to deeply self-centered motivations, lusts, cravings, rage, hatred, murder, envy, sloth, covetousness and the like. Accompanying our fallen nature is the blindness of pride, self-deceit and closets of inner darkness where the Enemy has established strongholds of bondage to habits, obsessions, destructive behavior patterns---and so on. Thus it will be necessary to discuss both unfallen and then fallen masculinity and femininity in order to arrive at a realistic model of our humanity and our sexuality. Our goal is discover the path to wholeness and completeness.








It seems to me that if Joseph Smith or Brigham Young were around today they would be well accepted by the Charismatics who teach likewise. Does teaching matter? We find that it is teaching that distinguishes Christianity from the cults.

Looking at who’s image Christ is in, Col.1:15 “He is in the image of the invisible God.” Christ alone is this image. Man will not be  what Christ is in his nature, even when we are glorified.

The Greek word for image is eikon indicating a perfect image. It is related to his nature and substance, It is a spiritual image. Meaning he is the very substance and nature of God. In Jn.14 when Jesus used the expression “if you have seen me you have seen the Father” he is meaning that as the Son he is expressing his nature. Making the Father known. Meaning he is the very substance and nature of God. An exact reproduction we can see, because before that he states no man has seen the Father.

Heb.1:3 “who's being the brightness of his glory and express image of his person .

He is the perfect representation of another person therefore he too is a person of like nature. Jesus is the exact image, the word used is an illustration of an engraving tool that would stamp its impression on a coin or seal. It bears the image produced by it having the exact reproduction of the original. Yet the image is not the same identity as the seal. Neither is the Son the identical person as the Father except in his nature.


In Rom. 8:29 we are told that we are “to be conformed to the image of his Son.” This is a continual process even though it was started the time we were born again. When we a renewed we don't become God nor will we be exactly like him in the resurrection. We are creatures and will stay this way. We shouldn't strive to be something we clearly are not . If the faith teachers would learn from the mistakes of the cults they wouldn't be so prone to repeat them!

   Isa. 8:20 "If they do not speak according to this word they have, what? NO light in them,""

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